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Once Bitten Page 12

  The taste of pre-come flooded over my lips. It was a slick, viscous fluid that clung to my tongue and tainted every other flavour. When I lapped the sweat from his shaft the aftertaste of his seed continued to trickle down my throat.

  My pussy grew warm with wanton need.

  ‘We shouldn’t be doing this here, Tess.’

  I moved my mouth off his shaft. Staring up at him through the Raybans, keeping my lower lip close to the meaty flesh of his glans, I asked, ‘Do you want me to stop, Dean?’

  His eyes opened wide with panic. ‘No! Christ! No!’

  I laughed, savouring the control and deciding I liked being in charge.

  Being dominated had been fun.

  Being used by Carlos and the blondes had been a revelation.

  But there was a thrill to being in control and I knew I hadn’t yet properly had a chance to savour that pleasure. I pushed my mouth back over Dean’s cock and sucked hungrily on him. I was tempted by the idea of nibbling lightly. The thought of properly tasting his flesh was deliciously attractive.

  But I stopped myself.

  I’d come to the police station to enlist Dean’s help and biting his cock during a blowjob was not a recommended way forward. Sucking eagerly at him, allowing the warm wetness of my mouth to envelop him, I teased my tongue into the slit at the end of his shaft and invested every effort into giving him pleasure.

  My own needs grew furious between my legs.

  There was nothing particularly glamorous or exciting about kneeling on the floor of a public lavatory with Dean’s cock in my face but it was the fulfilling realisation of a fantasy. The fact that it was tacky and tawdry was unimportant. The main thing was that I had discovered I could make my dreams come true and that was a powerful enough aphrodisiac to compensate for the cheap thrill of doing something so lurid in a public convenience.

  ‘You’re going to make me come, Tess.’

  I moved my mouth away briefly. ‘That’s the idea, Dean.’

  ‘I mean…’ he gritted his teeth as he spat the words. I could feel him trembling with the effort of restraint. His length quivered against my lower lip. The tip of his glans shuddered on my tongue. ‘I mean,’ he tried again, ‘unless you stop doing it soon, I’m going to come.’

  I buried my fingers into his thighs.

  As he stiffened from the pain, I sucked harder.

  Whatever effort Dean had been putting into holding himself back was suddenly reversed. With a mighty lunge, his length exploded into my mouth. The warm semen shot to the back of my throat, coating my tongue and almost causing me to gag as he pulsed again and again.

  I didn’t swallow immediately.

  I held the thick, gelatinous fluid in my mouth, savouring its taste and thrilling to the phlegmatic sensation of having his warmth move over my teeth and the insides of my cheeks.

  When his length had finally finished pulsing I allowed it to slip from between my lips. I tilted my head and allowed him to see his seed inside my mouth. Then I closed my lips and swallowed.

  I shivered with pleasure.

  Dean grinned back at me.

  It took me a moment to realise we were quietly laughing together and I wondered why we hadn’t done anything like that before in our relationship. The sex had been satisfying for both of us and, instead of being frustrated, embarrassed or disappointed, we were chuckling like true soul mates.

  ‘You must need my help pretty badly,’ he grinned.

  I shrugged. ‘I do,’ I admitted. ‘But that wasn’t about my securing your help. I only did that because I’ve always wanted to blow you in a toilet. It’s long been a fantasy of mine.’

  His grin remained fixed but I could see that something behind his eyes was working furiously. Attuned to so much now I was a vampire, I understood that he was trying to fathom the change that had come over me. Knowing the predictable avenues his thoughts usually followed, I figured it would be a long time before he worked it out for himself and I knew I would eventually have to tell him. But I wanted to tell him in my own way and the situation needed to be put in its proper perspective.

  ‘I need you to help me rescue Mel.’

  ‘Rescue Mel?’ He pulled up his pants and tucked his cock away but made no attempt to leave the cubicle.

  I had been listening to every sound around us and heard the lavatories’ only other occupant leave. I knew we were alone and in no danger of being overheard.

  ‘What do you mean, rescue? Where is she? What happened, Tess?’

  I drew a deep breath and told him the entire story. I spoke quickly, making sure my words were clear but not allowing him the opportunity to interrupt. I was talking about vampires, a legion of nomadic monks who had become hunters of the undead, and a host of other unworldly things that, I knew, he would have difficulty accepting. I neglected to mention Carlos or the blondes – there was no sense in giving too much information in a rush – and I didn’t bother talking about Christine or the exsanguinated body she had most likely left at my apartment. But I explained about Mel’s yearning for Alan, the cruel way Alan had handed her to the vampire hunters, and my need to help secure my friend’s release from her captors.

  I also told him that I had been made into a vampire.

  I saved this last revelation for the end – a fitting climax to a tightly told tale. When I’d finished, I sat back on my haunches and regarded him patiently. I didn’t know if I expected him to ridicule me for concocting such an outrageous story or if I thought he would frown with incredulity and ask me to repeat parts of my tale or provide some proof to corroborate what I had said.

  ‘I can’t go up against the legion,’ he said softly. ‘Not for you. Not for Mel. I can’t do that, Tess.’

  ‘You know about the legion?’ I gasped. ‘You know about vampires?’ It seemed unreal to think that Dean – dull, dependable, Dean – already knew about vampires and the legion of hunters. It was impossible to believe that any individual could be aware of such anomalies and still live the mundane and unimaginative life that Dean enjoyed. I wondered if he might be humouring me, prior to suggesting I should talk about the vampires with a trustworthy doctor. But I also knew Dean didn’t have the imagination for a ploy like that.

  He shrugged. ‘Of course I know about vampires. I’m a policeman. These things get reported to us and we can’t always foist the blame onto a convenient illegal immigrant.’

  He flexed a grin and I tried to work out if that last line had been one of his rare jokes, or an admission of a rather dubious policing policy.

  ‘The legion does occasional jobs for the police,’ he went on. ‘They’re particularly helpful whenever we’ve got a greedy vampire in town.’ He sighed and studied me gravely. ‘That’s why I can’t go against them. The legion is the good guy. It’s vampires – bloodsucking, murderous vampires like you, Tess – who are the villains.’

  His words were a slap across the face.

  I stood up and reached for the lock on the door.

  ‘Where are you going?’

  ‘Do you care? Or are you asking in case I leave a trail of corpses behind me?’

  He studied me in silence for a moment and then shrugged. ‘No,’ he decided eventually. ‘I don’t suppose I can care. If you’ve chosen to become a vampire then you’ve taken a step in a direction where I can’t follow. It goes against my work as a police officer and it goes against everything that I believe is right.’ Sadly he added, ‘And there’s nothing I can do about it now. Goodbye, Tess. And good luck with your new life as one of the undead.’

  I stared at him with my mouth agape.

  The threat of tears prickled behind my eyes as I realised my boyfriend had dumped me because I was a vampire. I quietly wished I had told him that Mel and I had fucked, and I’d enjoyed a gangbang with Carlos and his harem. I don’t suppose it would have made me feel much better but there would have been a cruel pleasure in watching him squirm as I recounted the graphic details of everything I had enjoyed within the last 24 hours.

  Instead of trying to hurt him, I fled from the lavatories. I paused only briefly, to go into Dean’s office and retrieve my golf umbrella, and then I hurried out onto the street.

  As I burst through the doors a gloved hand fell over my mouth. I was wrestled from the ground and dragged into the back of a black limousine.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The windows were mercifully shaded. A black partition separated the rear seats from the driver’s area. It was a spacious limousine, the grey interior turned charcoal by the smoked glass in the doors. The seats were a velour finish and it was fitted with all the accoutrements that suggested the height of luxury. A drinks cabinet sat between the two seats at the front. A plasma screen covered most of the partition and there was a control panel of buttons and switches that suggested every entertainment need could be addressed and met in one way or another.

  I heard the metallic click of locks fastening the doors and I stared through the window to catch a final glimpse of my Union Flag umbrella dropped and forgotten outside the police station. Angry, I turned to glare at my captor and pointed at her with the tip of my index finger.

  ‘What the hell do you think you’re doing, Christine?’

  The redhead laughed gaily and knocked on the partition. It lowered slightly, allowing a glimmer of despicable sunlight into the rear of the car. I winced behind my shades. Christine scowled against the brightness and told the driver he had lowered the screen far enough. I glanced at his face, surprised to see myself staring at the toy-boy she had been drinking from in my apartment. I had thought she drained him completely. Clearly Christine was not above saving leftovers when they had proved particularly satisfying.

  ‘Can you reach the specialist supplies shop before it closes for the day?’

  ‘I can try, babe.’

  ‘Call me babe again and I’ll snap your neck, darling.’ Christine looked set to dismiss him, glanced briefly at me and then added, ‘Once you’ve retrieved my order from Hartley’s, I think you should go to one of those ghastly drive-through fast-food places. If this girl doesn’t get some sort of nourishment inside her soon, she’s going to collapse from malnutrition. And not in the amusing way. Hurry it along, and don’t interrupt us unless it’s a matter of the utmost importance.’

  She rapped her knuckles on the partition to show the conversation had ended. The black screen slid slowly back into place and the limousine lurched smoothly into traffic.

  ‘Vodka?’ Christine asked cheerfully.

  She waggled a bottle of Kevorkian in one hand. I got the impression she had selected that particular brand because she had seen it in my kitchen.

  Without thinking I nodded.

  It had been a long and traumatic day. Aside from the fact I had become a vampire, lost my best friend, and been introduced to the more agonising elements of sadomasochism, I had also been dumped by my boyfriend after gobbling him in the police station’s public lavatories.

  I didn’t just want a vodka: I needed one.

  ‘You have to drop your hunt for Mel,’ Christine said, as she passed me the glass. ‘There will be repercussions if you carry on looking. I don’t mind helping you adjust to the transformation as you learn all about your new life as a vampire. But my community service won’t stretch to dragging you out of the trouble you’re currently courting.’ She reached across the seats and placed a hand on my knee. ‘Please, darling. If not for your own sake, you have to consider how this could affect me. The council will not be happy if they don’t think I’ve mentored you to their satisfaction. And the council are already mightily pissed off with me.’

  The vodka tasted good.

  It rinsed the memory of Dean’s ejaculate from my mouth and, for that, I would be eternally grateful. I tried to tell myself that, if my boyfriend couldn’t accept me as a vampire, then there was no sense in my being miserable about the situation.

  I simply had to deal.

  But the words sounded hollow inside my head and the advice seemed too trite to be worth following. Anger and sadness threatened to overwhelm my mood and I struggled to think of some way to fight against the impending downer.

  ‘Please, darling,’ Christine said again. She squeezed my knee to drag my attention back to the interior of the limousine. ‘If not for your own sake, think how this could affect me. You have to drop your hunt for Mel. The council really won’t approve.’

  I raised my gaze and studied her coolly. ‘You want me, don’t you?’

  She snatched her hand away and laughed. ‘You conceited little bitch! Do you think every creature on the planet desires you now you’re a vampire?’

  I considered the question seriously for a moment. There had been a lot of strangers staring as I made my way down to the police station and the majority of their attention had looked like sexual interest. Perhaps it would be too great a claim to suggest that every creature on the planet now yearned to possess me sexually. But those who had seen me certainly seemed to want a slice of the action. I suppressed the grin that thought inspired and regarded her coolly.

  ‘No,’ I said eventually. ‘I don’t think every creature on the planet desires me. But I’m pretty damned sure that you do.’ I parted my thighs and allowed the hem of my dress to rise higher.

  Her large green eyes blinked and her gaze dropped down to my lap.

  And I knew my hunch had been correct.

  It’s not in my nature to assess people’s personalities. That sort of superficial activity is too controlling and judgemental for my tastes. But Christine was despicably easy to read.

  I suppose I was looking for a distraction to take my mind away from dealing with the way Dean had dismissed me and our relationship. That was an explanation that rationalised why I was trying to understand other people and their motives rather than dwell on my own painful situation. But, whatever the cause for my sudden bout of insight, I believed I understood Christine with startling clarity: she enjoyed dominating subordinates but she secretly coveted the idea of someone dominating her.

  I stretched my legs apart and sipped a little more vodka.

  Isn’t vodka brilliant?

  ‘Do you want to take a proper look at me, Christine?’ I teased. ‘Do you want to get down on your knees and get a really good look at my pussy? Is that what you’d like to do, Christine? Darling?’

  She sniffed with disdain and turned away. Pouring herself a shot of vodka she swallowed it in one snatch and stared out through the smoked glass of the nearest window.

  The sunlight was beginning to fade from the sky.

  I didn’t know how the day had passed so quickly but I supposed, because it had been so eventful, I hadn’t had a chance to keep track of time. I wouldn’t let myself worry about the torture that Mel was most likely enduring – that would have been too great a burden and a distraction. But the idea of tormenting Christine appealed to a dark and mischievous streak I hadn’t acknowledged before.

  ‘You want me, don’t you?’ I whispered.

  Christine blushed. ‘You’re being ridiculous, darling,’ she said quickly. ‘I’ve seen this level of arrogance with hundreds of newly made vampires and it’s very unbecoming.’

  ‘But you want me, don’t you?’ I pressed.

  She turned away to stare blindly through the window.

  I sipped lazily from my glass.

  Her fingers trembled and I was thrilled to think I had caused the faults to show in her ice-queen façade. Christine struck me as the ultimate in cool composure and the belief that I was shattering her air of self-possession was wonderfully therapeutic.

  ‘I shaved my pussy this afternoon.’ The words came out as though they were part of a perfectly respectable conversation. ‘I removed all the hairs so that the flesh down there is smooth, bare and always accessible. It feels really slippery to the touch.’

  She closed her eyes. Her lips tightened into a bitter pout.

  My smile grew broader.

  ‘I suppose you noticed that I’d shaved, didn’t you?’ I went on. �
�You were watching me quite keenly when I walked from the shower to my bedroom to get some clothes. Do you remember? I could see you drinking in every tiny detail. But I bet you didn’t get the look at my pussy that you really wanted, did you?’ Lowering my voice I said, ‘And I’ll bet you wanted to do more than just look at my pussy.’

  Her laughter was an octave too high. The sound echoed shrilly around the luxuriant confines of the limousine’s interior. ‘Really, darling!’ she exclaimed. ‘You do seem to be in love with yourself. Were you this self-obsessed before you became a vampire? I’m sure the absence of mirrors must be causing you some genuine grief. Do you want me to teach you how to deal with that particular dilemma?’

  Her observation stung.

  I was suddenly determined to hurt her as much as she had just tried to hurt me. I pulled the hem of my dress higher. The tops of my thighs were exposed and Christine’s gaze snapped in my direction.

  ‘It’s a very pretty pussy,’ I assured her. ‘I’ll bet you’d love to get down on your knees in front of me, and get a good, close look.’ My voice had dropped to a husky drawl. ‘I’ll bet you’d love to explore my pussy, with your nose so close you can smell the sweet scent it produces. I’ll bet you’d love to be so close you could taste…’

  ‘No!’ Christine barked.

  I fell silent and regarded her with an expectant grin.

  ‘I’ll have you thrown out of the car if you carry on.’

  ‘I don’t think you will.’

  ‘There’s still enough sunlight in the day to cause you unbearable pain, darling. If I throw you out of the car, without your ridiculous umbrella, you’ll learn all about suffering before nightfall finally comes.’

  ‘But I don’t think you’ll do that,’ I said again. I raised my dress higher, displaying the freshly shaved lips of my sex. The labia were caressed by the intensity of her gaze. ‘Instead of throwing me out of the car, you’ll get down on your knees and you’ll worship my little pussy.’

  Reluctantly, Christine started to slide from her seat.