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The Black Widow Page 7

  John gave a sneer of disgust and did not bother replying. Wendy could see how unhappy he was with the daubing of seed that covered his face. It the image had not been so exciting she would have empathised with his revulsion.

  Sky fastened the padlock round the head of his spent cock, pressing the curved steel bar cruelly tight. ‘It’s not foolproof,’ Sky told him as she studied his secured length. ‘If you’re daring you could use a tub of Vaseline and try tearing your cock out of there, but I guarantee it would hurt.’

  From her view through the keyhole, Wendy suspected that Sky was telling the truth. The padlock looked painfully tight, being fastened just beneath the head of John’s cock. Even from this distance she could see that the only way to remove it would be with the use of a key. Any other attempt would result only in distress or injury.

  ‘If you’re more daring,’ Sky continued, ‘you could use a hacksaw. I doubt it would work, and I’m not sure if the A and E ward that treated you would be able to do corrective surgery, but it’s always a consideration. There is a final option, and this is the one I think you should go for.’

  John stared up at her, silently waiting for her to continue.

  ‘If you’re sensible, you’ll do as I say and stay silent.’

  Wendy pressed forward against the door, curiosity pulling her closer.

  ‘I only need your silence for a week,’ Sky told him. ‘After that, it will be too late to change things anyway. Stay silent for a week, tell me where you’re staying, and I’ll mail this key to you.’ She flashed the padlock’s key enticingly in front of his face. ‘You’ll still be able to take a pee with that on,’ she said, nodding casually at the padlock. ‘It’s just going to make erections uncomfortable and it might hamper any developing relations that you were thinking of embarking on. But if you’re a good boy and you leave here now, you can have the key in seven days.’

  ‘OK.’ There was no hint of hesitancy or uncertainty in John’s reply. Wendy heard him make the promise as though it had been squeezed from his crushed body. She had never seen the manager looking so cowed and submissive before and for a moment she was stung by a wave of pity for him. She pressed herself closer to the door, wishing she could see the scene in more detail without having to kneel and squint.

  ‘I’ll unfasten you within the hour,’ Sky said briskly. ‘You’ll be given half an hour to pack your things and leave the building. You can send me a letter with your new address and I’ll send the key on to you. Is that acceptable?’

  John was nodding miserably.

  ‘That’s good.’ Sky smiled. Then we have an understanding.’ She had concluded the morning’s business, Wendy thought. That much was apparent from her decisive tone and sudden change in mood. She was virtually dismissing John now that she had defeated him.

  Wendy suddenly realised that her position by the keyhole was decidedly vulnerable. If she was discovered watching this scene, the punishment would be swift and unforgettable. Touched by a thrill of fear, she started to ease herself away from the keyhole. Her fingers pressed lightly against the door for balance and she tried to stand up. For the first time, she realised she had been kneeling in front of the keyhole for a long time. The position was uncomfortable enough to have left her body stiff and she heard the wet crack of cartilage as her knees popped in disapproval. The sound was accompanied by a vague twang of discomfort in her legs as they buckled beneath her. With a wail of despair she felt her body lurch forward and press heavily into the door. The door pushed slowly open, allowing her to fall into the room.

  ‘Who the –’

  Wendy glanced at the pair of them and watched their faces change. John’s eyes were shining with a glimmer of hope, which quickly evaporated into pained despondency. Sky looked shocked for a moment. Then she caught sight of Wendy’s look of startled horror and the shock was replaces by a knowing, cruel smile. ‘Hello, Wendy,’ Sky said sweetly.

  Before Wendy could respond, Sky had stepped to her side. Wendy could feel the woman’s fingers curling in her hair and then she was being dragged to her feet. She muttered a small, pained scream but Sky seemed oblivious to the sound.

  ‘I’ve been looking forward to meeting you,’ Sky said, holding Wendy’s hair tightly. ‘And since you’ve just been eavesdropping I don’t think you’ll need that much of an explanation as to what’s expected of you.’


  Sky shook her head until Wendy fell silent. ‘Don’t try and talk your way out of it,’ she growled. ‘You’re coming with me, and I’m going to teach you about your new position at Elysian Fields.’

  Pain erupted in Wendy’s scalp as Sky dragged her out of the room.

  * * *

  Two hours later, Wendy’s scalp still hurt when she touched it, but that was the least of her worries. She was boiling hot. Sweat streamed from her forehead into her eyes, and soaked the few clothes she was still wearing. Her short dark hair was sodden with perspiration, which trickled in rivulets down her temples. She tried wiping her face dry with sweat-drenched fingers, then stopped herself as she realised how futile the attempt was. It coated her entire body. Not for the first time, she glanced at the porthole window on the locked sauna door and wondered what was going to happen next. She was dreading the Black Widow’s return.

  If her parched throat could have allowed it, Wendy would have cursed her own obsession with duty. If she had not been diligently doing her chores in the east wing, then she would never have glimpsed the intriguing sight of Sky dominating John. But Wendy knew she could not blame her work for this predicament.

  The east-wing duties had been given to her six months earlier, when she started working at the health farm. Faye Meadows, the strict but fair owner of Elysian Fields, had impressed on Wendy the onerous importance of this task, stating repeatedly how vital the chore was. Her grave tone, stern expression and obvious trust left Wendy in no doubt that her duties there were crucial. Because of that conversation, she always attended to her work in the east wing before she started her shift. To leave it any later would have been a violation of Faye’s trust.

  Sitting in the sauna, glaring unhappily at the locked door, Wendy tried to take some solace from the thought that she had done her job well. It was a bitter consolation. The little comfort it brought was overshadowed by her darkening fear for the future.

  Since she had started working at Elysian Fields, Wendy had embraced the health farm’s hedonistic doctrine. After spending the last six months in a constant state of arousal, she could now feel herself being touched by an unfamiliar emotion. It was a feeling that had no right intruding into the warm, sunny world of Elysian Fields. It was a feeling that she had not known at Elysian Fields until she saw John being punished by Sky. The last two hours had brought it home to her. She was scared.

  Wendy chewed nervously on her lower lip, glancing at the porthole window on the locked sauna door. Perhaps it would have been easier to deal with the emotion if she had been more familiar with it, Wendy thought. The last six months had been such a lavish indulgence in pleasure and fulfillment that she felt the fear like a freshly honed knife edge.

  She pulled off her sweat-sodden T-shirt and sat awkwardly on the wooden bench, mopping her face with the soaked garment before angrily discarding it. Dressed only in bra and panties, she felt infuriatingly hot and was tempted to remove these items as well. If it had not been for the inevitable return of the Black Widow, she probably would have undressed completely. Wendy did not like the idea of being discovered with her sweat-oiled body completely naked. The thought made her shiver in spite of the heat.

  Fanning herself with a lethargic hand, Wendy tried to stop thinking of the luxuries her body craved. Her lips were parched and a raging thirst burnt the back of her throat. Dwarfing that desire was her need for a clean, fresh towel. Sweat coated every millimetre of her muscular body and, while she might have found the sensation pleasurable under other circumstances, fear was dulling the eroticism of the moment. She wanted to enjoy a refreshin
g shower, then towel herself dry with a fluffy pink bath towel. Her yearning for this was so acute she felt dizzy with anticipation as she pictured it.

  It occurred to her that she should try the door again and see if she could raise the alarm but she stopped herself from wasting the energy. For the first hour of her imprisonment, she had beaten the door until her hands hurt. At the same time, she had screamed for help until her throat felt sore. Admittedly, a further hour had passed since then, but she knew that her attempts would be as hopeless now as they had been then. Her gaoler was in absolute control. It seemed more sensible to rest and conserve her energy until the Black Widow came back. Before locking the sauna door, she had threatened to return, and Wendy did not doubt the woman’s sincerity.

  Glancing down at her half-naked body, Wendy watched a rivulet of sweat trickle between the orbs of her breasts. She was still wearing her bra, and as the stream of sweat ran over her sun-bronzed flesh the moisture was caught by the fabric. Wendy gasped softly, unable to think of anything other than the intolerable heat.

  She did not notice when a face appeared in the window of the sauna’s door. The first indication she had of another person’s presence was when Sky threw open the door and stepped into the sauna’s steamy air. Wisps of pale-grey steam coloured the air around her, adding a dramatic effect to her arrival.

  Earlier she had been angry and scared; determined not to be bullied. Now, because she felt so weak and drained, such emotions seemed beyond her repertoire.

  A draught cooled her sodden body before the sauna’s door was closed. Wendy took a moment to relish the icy blasts, then she looked up at Sky and frowned.

  Dressed in a short, black dressing-grown and a pair of black heels, the woman looked as forbidding as ever. Her mouth was set firm and her eyes were harsh and uncompromising. She has tied her long blonde hair up, revealing the slender elegance of her neck and emphasising her natural grace. In one hand she held a tray carrying a tall pitcher of water. Its glass sides were thickly marbled with condensation and it chimed musically as ice-cubes, floating on the cool water’s surface, danced with one another. Wendy could feel her parched throat begging for a sip of the liquid. She swallowed thickly, then passed a sluggish tongue over her dehydrated lips.

  In the other hand, Sky held a glass of water from which she sipped deliberately. As Wendy watched, Sky drank a mouthful of the icy liquid, allowing the ice-cubes to bounce lightly against her sensuous upper lip. She sighed with contentment and smiled at her prisoner as she placed her glass back on the tray.

  Wendy glared at her, knowing this showy display of enjoyment was intended to make her feel worse. She wanted to say something: a stark condemnation of the type of woman who tortured people like this. The words were forming o her lips and she was about to give them voice. The only thing that stopped her was the sight of the towel.

  Over one arm, Sky was carrying a fluffy pink bath towel.

  Wendy stared at it longingly. She snatched back the breath that had been about to vent her diatribe and tried to maintain her composure. At the back of her mind she had been half-expecting Sky to come into the room armed with a pitcher of chilled mineral water, but she had never imagined the woman could be so incisive as to bring a fluffy pink bath towel.

  ‘You saw what I did to John,’ Sky growled, glaring angrily down at Wendy. ‘So you’ll know better than to get on my wrong side. I can achieve my goals with your help or without it. Things will be a lot easier for me if I have your cooperation, but they won’t be impossible if you refuse.’

  ‘What do you want from me?’ Wendy asked, the words surfacing painfully. Rather than looking at Sky she was staring at the bath sheet. A wistful expression glazed her eyes.

  ‘I want your cooperation,’ Sky said. ‘I’d thought that John might have been able to help, but he proved to be a little too willful.’ She shook her head, a regret-tinged smile twisting her lips. ‘As I’m sure you heard, John had left Elysian Fields now.’

  Wendy fixed Sky with a troubled expression. ‘What were you doing to him?’

  Sky shook her hear, smiling cruelly. ‘I didn’t do anything to him that he didn’t end up enjoying,’ she whispered. ‘I discovered he had a penchant for submission and he’s gone away to explore that facet of his personality.’ She studied Wendy’s half-naked body appreciatively. ‘Perhaps, if we use the same techniques on you, we might discover similar masochistic tendencies in you make-up.’

  ‘You’re sick,’ Wendy whispered.

  Sky turned round and took a step towards the door. ‘If you don’t want to talk in a civilized manner then I can come back in a couple of hours, when the heat has mellowed you some more.’

  Wendy watched the woman reach for the door handle and knew that her chances of getting out of this humid hell were quickly dwindling. She reached a hand out to try to stop Sky. Her mouth was now too dry to articulate words, and, instead of making an intelligent sound, she croaked a cry reminiscent of an injured animal’s pitiful wail.

  Sky half-turned and fixed her with a quizzical expression. ‘Are you prepared to act with some civility?’

  Wendy nodded, trying to swallow the thick lump in her dry throat.

  ‘Very well,’ Sky said, moving her hand away from the door. She glided gracefully back into the sauna and settled herself on the stiff wooden bench next to Wendy. Casually, she placed her tray and the fluffy pink towel down by her side.

  Wendy studied the iced water and the towel as Sky started talking. Those items seemed far more significant and relevant than anything her captor was likely to say.

  ‘You asked me what I wanted from you,’ Sky began, speaking in a brusque, no-nonsense tone. ‘And because we’re being honest and up front with one another, I’ll tell you. I want your help, Wendy. I want someone strong and capable, like you, to run Elysian Fields. If there’s someone managing this place for the benefit of the paying customers, then the main business is being taken care of. If that’s being done properly, then I can concentrate on my own plans.’ She paused, pursing her lips. ‘Although I did say that I could manage without any assistance, I’ll be totally honest and say that things would be a lot easier if you did help.’ As she spoke, Sky lifted the glass of water and raised it to her lips.

  Wendy watched the woman sip idly from the glass. She knew that if her mouth had not been a parched desert she would have been drooling as she watched Sky enjoying he drink.

  ‘I’m not asking a lot, am I?’ Sky asked, moving her hand close to Wendy’s shoulder. Her fingers still held her drink and the base of the glass traced an icy line against Wendy’s burning flesh. For one glorious instant her shoulder was cooled by the chill.

  Dizzy with exhaustion, Wendy tried to contain her excitement. She could see two melting squares of ice floating on the water. As she watched, Sky drew the glass downward, allowing the cool base of the tumbler to rub into the valley of Wendy’s cleavage.

  Aware that Sky was waiting for a response to her question, she murmured, ‘No. You’re not asking a lot.’

  Her eyes were closed and she could feel her heart beating fast with a combination of gratitude and arousal. The chilled glass between her breasts was bringing a delicious coolness, its intensity matched only by the growing heat between her thighs.

  She was aware that the Black Widow was a dangerous creature who richly deserved her nickname, but that did not seem as important as it had earlier. In her tried and vulnerable state, Wendy was beginning to think the woman’s plans to take control of the health farm were almost benign. With the exception of John, she had not hurt anyone in her quest for power and her principal concern so far had been for the welfare of the clientele.

  ‘Look at you!’ Sky said, pretending to notice Wendy’s near nudity for the first time. ‘You’re sweating an ocean and that bra looks so uncomfortable.’ She smile reassuringly, placed her drink down, and whispered, ‘Let me help.’ With dextrous fingers she quickly unfastened Wendy’s bra and dropped it to the floor.

  Wendy all
owed her to do this even though she had already noticed that Sky was lecherously admiring her breasts. As the woman moved a hesitant finger towards her flesh, Wendy held her breath. The tips of Sky’s fingers traced over the hardening nub of her nipple and she shivered despite the cloying heat.

  ‘Now, let me help you to cool down,’ Sky insisted. She reached for the glass and sipped from it. Her lips were still dripping with chilled water when she put down the glass. Wendy could feel small droplets splashing against her burning skin as Sky moved over her. And then they were kissing.

  Wendy drew a grateful breath as Sky’s tongue worked its way into her mouth. Rather than the heated exchange she had been expecting, Sky’s mouth was ice cool and that much more exciting because of it. Wendy shifted forward, determined to embrace the woman and return the pleasure she was receiving. Her bare breasts rubbed against the coarse towelling fabric of Sky’s dressing-gown and one of the woman’s naked thighs slid against her sweat-oiled legs. She was kissing Sky with a furious passion, allowing her tongue to delve into the cool haven of her mouth.

  ‘We’ll have plenty of time of this later,’ Sky gasped, breaking the kiss. She placed a firm hand on Wendy’s muscular thigh and said, ‘We’ll be working on your pleasure first.’ Sky reached to her side and dipped her fingers into the glass of water.

  Wendy watched as Sky extracted a single ice-cube, held it up to eye level and smiled thoughtfully through it. A bead of water tumbled down her thumb, over the palm of her hand, then down her wrist. Following its journey with her gaze, Wendy watched it disappear inside the sleeve of the dressing-gown.

  Sky shivered as the water surprised some intimate part of her flesh. The smile she used on Wendy was suddenly broader. ‘It’s quite refreshing, isn’t it?’

  Not knowing how refreshing it was, Wendy shrugged wordlessly. She was staring at the ice-cube with reverential awe.

  ‘Let me show you.’ Sky held the cube over Wendy’s chest for a brief moment, allowing it to drip twice on to her flesh.